Nursing Home Management Software / Database
Based on an industry experts direction our team has built the best Nursing Home management system available in Australia. All for a very affordable price.
This software development project, based on the Gold Coast has enabled Nursing Homes to significantly reduce their running costs and increase their government funding.
- Manages the complete lifecycle of a resident
- Produces reports for day to day management of a home
- Produces funding and government reports on demand
- Simple and easy to use. Covers resident information on the person, medical history, allied health, licenced nursing, complex nursing, daily cares, behaviours, incidents and infections, meals and drinks, administration and funding.
Custom Payroll Software
Our client required a custom payroll system to be developed to cope with the complexity of government funded projects employee payment requirements.
With all the union payment conditions, on any given pay week an employee may recieve up to 17 different allowances all calculated differently, a nightmare for off the shelf accounting software.
As well as managing all the businesses employee payroll, it also manages their client invoicing and worker accountability.
- Client invoicing and tracking
- Employee payroll and super.
- Financial and work performance reports
Technician Job Management System for Windows Tablet (Franchise Software)
This piece of software has increased our clients businesses value tenfold. Each technician now has a comprehensive job management tool on hand which WORKS OFFLINE, an industry first! No relying on an internet connection. When a technician chooses to, they can sync their job data with the master database that is online.
This franchisee software even allows the franchise owner to check in on his franchisees workload and allocate more jobs if needed.
- Total job and booking management
- Customer invoicing
- Financial Reports
- Job and Booking calendar
- Windows Tablet optimised
Body Corporate Water Billing Software
Managing the water bills for 100+ properties used to be a nightmare for our client, thankfully their new custom built software makes it light work now.
The water billing system allows for things such as Change Of Ownership, Rate Changes, Meter Replacements and Multiple Reads within a billing period. It's very a flexible piece of software and was a complicated project to produce. However at Flexi IT Solutions we thrive off complicated projects :)
- Manages water billing and meter read history for a property
- Produces water bills in bulk
- Management Reports
Body Corporate Electricity Monitoring Software
Unfortunately for our Body Corporate client's electricity companies have been often charging their properties incorrectly so each month they have had to manually reconcile against the true read data and compare billing costs. With their new Electricity management software it's taken the labour time out of this task and automated the reconciling process. Once they enter in the bill figures it automatically finds any discrepancies now. It also keeps a history of electricity bills and reads for each property.
- Manages electricity bills and meter read history for properties
- Finds any discrepancies between real data what they've been billed for.
- Electricity Usage Reports
Hospital Contractor Activity Management Software
This software manages Contractor inductions, onsite sign in / sign out and identification printing for a private hospital on the Gold Coast.
Allows security and managers to know who is onsite when and what they are doing. This software also sends out sms messages to those whom need to know about those events.
- Contractor activities logging
- SMS notification service.
- Self induction and ID label making.
Plumber Maintenance, Barcode reader (Huge Time Saver!)
Our client used to spend 7 days compiling a monthly report manually. With our software it now just takes them a few hours.
This software was developed for a very large plumbing company in charge of the maintenance of large facilities such as hospitals with up to 2000 items per location to regularly report on.
Our software allows a plumber to fill out a report for each item in under 20seconds whereas before it would take up to 15minutes. They can now quickly barcode scan an item, pre fill out the report and sign off on it. No more paper. The end of month report that used to consist of thousands of sheets of paper is now produced automatically and delivered via email.
- Barcode scanning
- Report Automation
- Maintains the maintenance history of each plumbing item at each location.
Methadone Clinic Client Management Software
This software package makes managing a methadone clinic a breeze. No time consuming goverment paperwork or reports required. This software takes care of them all for you in a flash.
It also looks after a clients:
- Dosage Schedule
- Record of Supply
- Payments
- Appointments
- Personal details and documents
- Stock Control and government reporting requirements
Client, Staff and Supplier Database
This software / database package was developed for a community centre to help manage there contacts.
- Manages all the information on their clients, staff and suppliers
- Provides quick access to relevant people.
- Produces contact detail lists on demand of thier staff, client and supplier database
CRM Bulk Mail Program with bar coding
The client’s software creates bulk letter mail outs for their customers on a regular basis. Our task was to integrate a third party bar coding tool for their address labels.
- This program integrates bar coding into customer correspondence letters generated by their custom software. (For which Australia Post offers a significant discount).
- As a result of our work we have radically cut the cost of bulk mailing for the client.
Player Field Positioning Software
Program for recording the position of players on a sports field during a game.
- Home team & opposition players can be moved around on a graphic of a sporting field in real time during a game and their names & position captured in a database at regular intervals. (Intervals can be varied in the settings form).
- Drag and drop player names into position.
- Designed for fast paced games with regular position changes
- After the game an image (snapshot) of the field can be generated for one or all of these captured intervals and the whole game (or parts) replayed at will - allowing coaches and managers to see the most effective strategies and use of players during a game.
- Easy to set up and use even for the computer challenged.
Sports Team Wear / Garment Manufacture Tracking Software
Software for tracking of the entire manufacturing process from out-in-the-field sales right through to final quality check and despatch
- Sales people in the field remotely send in orders (including logo / images) to a central database
- Artwork is prepared from the raw images and after approval from the clients the manufacturing process starts
- The garments are tracked through embroidery and/or printing, pressing, cutting, quality control, warehousing, despatch
- Manufactured or in-stock items catered for
- Purchasing of raw materials etc
- Reports.
Reminder Software
Reminder / Calendar program for a businesses client database / CRM
- Associates reminders to client records
- Snooze facility
- Caters for multiple users
- Reminders can be reassigned to other users
Technical aspects
- Driven by an internal SQL Server 2005 database
- Programmed on site using clients .net 2008 development environment
Contact Management Software
Software is to manage a database of contacts and based on selection criteria, is used to email and produce excel files suitable for an Ms Word mail merge file.
A Contact includes information on, name, address, email, phone numbers, business details etc.
- Viewing / Searching of contacts data
- Add, Update, Remove Contact records.
- Filtering of the contacts list (searching on fields) & Bulk emailing from that filtered list
- Contact list bulk importing from Ms Excel files
- Creating a database file suitable for Ms Word mail merge from filtered list and only with data chosen fields.
- Password Protected, user based login permissions
Technical aspects
- Driven by an online SQL Server 2005 database
- Programmed in .net 2010
CRM software for a family counselling service
Manages clients, counsellors, casework, courses, outcomes etc.
- Stores in detail information about all areas of the business's work
- Comprehensive reporting
- Automated emailing
- Remote Login, online database, so you can work on this system off site
Technical aspects
- Software based of the business's legacy Ms Access system.
- Driven by internal SQL Server 2008 database
- Programmed in .net 2010
Law Firm, Automated Document Generator
Provides speedy legal documents with database fields auto merged in.
- Automated mail merging of clients and organisation data into legal documents
- Document templates can be edited easily by the client
- Full document generation histories stored for each client.
- Manages their database of clients and organisations.
Technical aspects
- Driven by internal SQL Server 2008 database
- Programmed in .net 2010
Property Development Management Tool
Keeps track of the contract information of property developments.
- Client, Consultant, Properties and Contracts database
- Provides easy to view, manage, and search for contracts by month.
- Allows for multiple users and installations
- Reports provided for measuring sales consultants performance.
- Provides a snapshot of the businesses current, past and future workload
Technical aspects
- Software based of an Excel spreadsheet version the client was using.
- Driven by internal SQL Server 2008 database
- Programmed in .net 2008
Photo Copier / Computer Repair Business Management Software
Takes care of all customer, job, technician and rental machine data, runs the business
- Customer, Machines, Jobs, Rentals, Technicians database
- Date driven reports on Technician Performance, Sales and Rentals
- Integrated / Updateable suppliers Parts databases
- Automated Invoice emailing
- Allows for multi users and installations
- You log in and can see what jobs are current, completed, costs, all the details
- Provides a means of knowing what's going on in all sections of the business at any moment
- Remote Login, online database, so you can work on this system off site.
Technical aspects
- Driven by SQL Server 2008 database
- Programmed in .net 2008
Air Conditioner Business - Management Software
Takes care of all customer, job, technician data and account reports. Basically runs the business
- Customer, Machines, Jobs, Technicians database
- Date driven reports on Technician Performance, Sales
- Allows for multiple users and installations
- You can log in and can see what jobs are current, completed, costs, all the details
- Provides a means of knowing what's going on in all sections of the business at any moment
- Remote Login, online database, so you can work on this system off site.
Technical aspects
- Driven by SQL Server 2008 database
- Programmed in .net 2008
Pawnbrokers Log Software
Software setup to run a Gold tending business.
- Tracks information on gold purchases from customers
- Auto reports information to the police database
- Allows for multi users and installations
- Searchable Transactions
Technical aspects
- Driven by Ms Access database
- Programmed in .net
Lead Management Automation Software
Software setup to run a Call Centre and Sales Team.
- AUTOMATES this business entire lead to sale processes
- Provides facility for a call centre to book appointments for salespeople
- Sales team manage their sales leads and appointment schedule
- Call centre connects to a business directory list and calls via VOIP
- Allows Call Centre users to search for business via selected/entered criteria
- Remote Access, suitable for multiple office locations, or work from home
- Tracking of all software users activity
- Call to Sale conversion type reports included
Technical aspects
- Driven by online Microsoft SQL Database
- Programmed in .net
VOIP Call Centre Software
Software setup to run a Call Centre. Users can also use the software remotely.
- Connects to an Australia wide Business Directory database
- Allows users to search for business via selected/entered criteria
- Set up to auto dial a business and log call times
- Sales and Notes are stored against a business
- Call to Sale conversion type reports included
Technical aspects
- Driven by online Microsoft SQL Database
- Programmed in .net
Custom Betting Aid for online gambling
Software replaced a lengthy manual task for a clients betting system
- Applies formulas to an excel spreadsheet of data
- Caters for multiple betting formulas
- Uploads results directly to internet site
- Provides client with last second betting capability
Technical aspects
- Driven by Excel database
- Programmed in .net
Stock Market Aid
Software replaced a lengthy manual task for a clients analytical system
- Filters stock data out of excel documents
- Applies calculations to filtered data
- Shows information on a selected stock
Technical aspects
- Data from Excel document
- Data linked into Ms Access for querying
- Application driven by Ms Access
- Programmed in .net
Insurance Company Business Management System
Software streamlined the business and replaced all possible manual tasks
In brief:
- Data Entry and Management
- Reporting Services (Performance, Accounting and General)
- User security and input tracking
- Bulk Mail Merging, Ms Word, Ms Excel
- Crystal Reports
- Integrated custom Payroll system for consultants
- Automated Banking processes
- Integrated Combiz and Centrepay facility
- Manages 47000 client records and growing
Technical aspects
- Programmed in .net
- Driven by onsite Microsoft SQL server
Upgrade DXBL Legacy System to a .net Microsoft SQL Business Management System
In brief
- Convert DBXL unconventional, undocumented, flat filed database to a relational Ms SQL database
- Convert DBXL front end software to a .net application, also undocumented and unconventional
- User security and input tracking
- Crystal Reports
- Integrated Combiz and Centrepay facility
- Manages 98000 client records
- As the legacy system was developed by a self taught programmer with no documentation this project involved a lot of data detective work, data fixing and hair pulling :)
Technical aspects
- Programmed in .net
- Driven by onsite Microsoft SQL server
Cable Magic, Audio Visual Cables and Antenna Hardware
Website features
- Ecommerce website
- All content pages are editable
- Add, remove products, categories
- Magento platform
- Paypal checkout facility
- Contact Us form
- Custom price rules and postage calculation
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Lighten Up LEDS Online Sales System
Website features
- Caters for Retail and Wholesale customers
- Custom Shopping Cart
- Tiered pricing structured, quantity and user group based
- Salesmen can log in and check their clients orders
- Very easy to use shop management
- All prices can be changed by a percentage at once
- All content is editable
- You can add new products in bulk
- Wholesale clients can download the current catalogue
- Sales Reports
- Salesmen Performance Reports
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Natural Health Online Sales System
Website features
- Caters for Retail and multiple levels of Wholesale customers
- Custom Shopping Cart
- Tiered pricing structured, quantity and user group based
- Very easy to use shop management
- All prices can be changed by a percentage at once
- All content is editable
- You can add new products in bulk
- Wholesale clients can download the current catalogue
- Sales Reports

Online Business Management Application
In Brief
- Provides a systemised facility for company projects to be managed with Sales Consultant, Contractors and Project Managers located World Wide
- Sales recorded online
- Quotes, Invoices, Project Specifications auto generated and available online
- Three way communication between sales reps, contractors and project managers controlled and monitored
- Payment tracking of Contractors
- Commission tracking of Sales Consultants
- Payroll system for Consultant Invoicing
- Reports on sales, project progress and accounting reports
- Allowed for multiple project managers, contractors, consultants
- External Lead entering for sales reps via call centre software
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National Fire Safety & Compliance
Website features
- Retail / Advertising site.
- All page content is easily editable
- Contact Us form
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Satchells Glass
Website features
- Retail / Advertising Site
- All content pages are editable
- Photo Galleries
- All images, are manageable through site admin
- Contact Us form
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Athlete Management Australia
Website features
- Displays the next 30days of upcoming events
- Structured, rotating press releases
- Easy to use Site Administration / Editing
- Contact Us form
- All pages are editable
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Ink'd Generation Tattoo & Piercing Studio
Website features
- Changeable Featured Tattoo designs on home page
- Tattooist Biography pages, can add and remove Tattooists
- Structured Tattoo design gallery, by artist, searchable
- Artists can upload there designs and manage them
- Easy to use Site Administration / Editing
- Contact Us form
- Make a Booking form
- All pages are editable
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Bright Child - Body Intelligence Training
Website features
- Admin Panel
- All pages are content editable
- Site Owner can add new pages and remove them
- Structured Latest News section
- Structured Gallery for photo display and management
- Email collector Marketing tool. (submit your email and receive the free offer)
- Members registration, management, and log in to members only pages
- Contact Us enquiry form (sends site owner details upon enquiry)
- Page Navigation Menu order is manageable
- Pages can be hidden from the navigation menu
- Bulk email facility for marketing to members and site visitors
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Crowe Coaching (Site redesign)
Website features
- Admin Panel
- All pages are content editable
- Affiliate program
- Structured News section
- Contact Us enquiry form with selectable options
- Rotating testimonials which is editable
- Drop down navigation menu
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Alpha Choice Security
Website features
- Simple 1 page advertising website
- Admin Panel
- The page is editable by site owner
- Contact Us form
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TV Magic
Website features
- Rotating logos in the speaker cones
- Admin Panel
- Some static pages, some content editable
- Contact Us form
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Britts Meats
Website features
- Weekly Specials, easy upload of pdf through Admin panel
- Site Designed by client, developed by us
- All content is editable